With seven active Affinity Groups, the learning and action among our funder members is rich and varied, but also has the potential to be compartmentalized and silo-ed. This year, based on guidance from members and staff, we have been intentional about learning and engaging across our Affinity Groups.Food Quantity vs. Quality - Do We Have to Choose?
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
I recently attended a Living Cities Integration Initiative site visit to the Twin Cities for some cross-site learning, and saw how affective their collective impact approach is. Through the Corridors of Opportunity initiative, they are working to build and develop a world-class regional transit system focused on seven transit corridors at various stages of operation, construction and planning.
I had the great pleasure of working with Maryland Philanthropy Network on the Next Generation Project this winter. Working closely with Betsy and Adam, I served as overall project manager. It was a wonderful way to connect my experience with Maryland Philanthropy Network as member of a local family foundation and my work as a social enterprise consultant.
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
Baltimore Integration Partnership stakeholders gathered last week with Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake at the Chesapeake Restaurant to celebrate all the work and accomplishments that have moved forward over the last three years.
Building off of a successful first round of work and through support from Living Cities, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and the Goldseker Foundation, the Baltimore Integration Partnership (BIP) launched 2.0 in 2014 to deepen anchor institution’s efforts to support area residents, businesses and communities.
Local purchasing strategies to support area businesses can generate much needed jobs for Baltimore. However collective action is also needed to be successful as well as an enabling environment to intentionally leverage anchor institution purchasing to build opportunities for area businesses and residents.
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
Vendor Fair Showcases Locally Made Food and Generates New Business Opportunities for Baltimore Enterprises
Buyers from major institutions will attend to connect with Baltimore food companies
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
In Baltimore, we know this work requires multiple players from across sectors to come together differently. Since 2011, the Baltimore Integration Partnership (BIP), a partnership of philanthropic, nonprofit, financial, anchor and public sector organizations, has been working to advance economic inclusion. Our approach offers opportunities and lessons learned that are important for Baltimore to move forward.
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
One of the greatest values of Maryland Philanthropy Network membership is colleagues you meet and the relationships you build with them.
In the spring of 2017, Maryland State Department of Education draf its Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan for implementation. This plan will impact K-12 education in our state for the next 4-8 years, at minimum. Join a panel of ESSA experts to gain a national perspective of ESSA, understand models and approaches of others states and learn about the progress within Maryland.
View materials from "Equity in ESSA, A Primer on the New No Child Left Behind"