Tuesday, October 01, 2024 at 10:00 to 11:30 AM

Join us for a conversation with Cabinet Secretary Vincent “Vinny” Schiraldi, Maryland Department of Juvenile Services to learn about priorities for the department, special programs including an update on the Community Investment Initiative, insights on what the department is seeing across the state and an outlook for the future. Information will be shared about the range of ways that philanthropy become involved.

Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:30 to 10:00 AM

In 2023, Mayor Brandon Scott, BUILD, and the Greater Baltimore Committee formed an agreement to end the crisis of vacant and abandoned properties in Baltimore City over the next 15 years. This partnership is committed to a “whole blocks” approach that will leverage an estimated $3 billion in public investment — including $300 million in private and philanthropic contributions — to bring an additional $5 billion in private investments to neighborhoods across Baltimore. We invite business and philanthropic leaders to a briefing about this strategy. The session will highlight specific areas where expertise and resources from the business and philanthropic communities can support a historic public-private partnership to eliminate vacant housing and build safe, stable neighborhoods where all city residents can thrive. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 09:30 to 11:00 AM

Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for a conversation with Carey M. Wright Ed.D., State Superintendent of Schools. This will be an opportunity to learn Dr.

Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 09:00 to 10:30 AM

The purpose of Funders Together to End Homelessness Baltimore (FTEHB) is to bring private and public funders together to focus on structural and racial inequities related to housing instability, homelessness, and supportive services, and to prevent and end homelessness in the Baltimore region.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 12:00 to 01:30 PM

We are delighted to host Special Secretary Carmel Martin, head of The Governor's Office for Children, for a conversation that focuses on young children and their families. We will discuss the opportunities and challenges facing families and the systems that are intended to support their health, development and well-being. Using the framework for a comprehensive early childhood development system that the Prenatal to Five Funders Group has adopted, the conversation will cover family economics, child care, infant and early childhood mental health, equity and inclusion, early relational health, housing, and the importance of engaging with families and caregivers in the design of system responses. We will explore the implementation of the ENOUGH Act and the Blueprint for Maryland's Future and the ways that both initiatives can work in support of young children and their families reaching their full potential. This is a virtual meeting.

The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 11:00 to 12:30 PM

During this meeting, Erica Pinket, the new Climate and Resilience Planner with the Baltimore City Office of Sustainability in the Department of Planning will share her vision for supporting and building Community Resiliency Center Hubs and the very relevant heat mitigation practices they are implementing. Jeff Griffin, Executive Director of the Franciscan Center, and Eli Allen and Simon Zimmer with Civic Works will talk about their successful and sometimes challenging efforts to build infrastructure, purchase and maintain essential equipment and supplies, and obtain financial support as Resiliency Hub operators.
