Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders and Aging Affinity Groups for our first program in a new Mental Health Series. This session will focus on the correlation of the significant increase in diagnosis of dementia felt within communities of color and chronic stress caused by determinants of health. Our guest speakers will also present on new drug therapies (including the controversial Aducnumab), current research, legislative recommendations for Maryland to develop a data-driven, multi-year plan to meet the cognitive and behavioral challenges of the elder boom.
Please join the Health Funders and Public Policy Committee for a wrap-up from this year’s legislative session.
Maryland Philanthropy Network invites you to continue the conversation we started at our 2020 Annual Meeting | Reimagine Philanthropy through a series of events designed as opportunities for transformative change. This next conversation in our Reimagine Philanthropy series will explore the topic of Economic Justice and the Social Determinant of Health, Work, and Wellbeing. Through the lens of trust-based philanthropy, our speakers will share the stories of how they have grapple with the need for transformative philanthropic practices that include partnerships with communities to address root causes of disparate health and employment outcomes.
Have you met ALICE®? ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The earnings of Maryland ALICE individuals and families are not enough to support a “survival budget” that is more than twice the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Join us to hear about ALICE in Maryland, the findings from these reports, and discuss the implications in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating economic impact on our residents.
The Affinity Group on Aging invites funders of older adult issues and key non-profit organizations to discuss ways to partner to meet the needs of older adults during these challenging times.
The Affinity Group on Aging invites funders of older adult issues and key non-profit organizations to discuss ways to partner to meet the needs of older adults during these challenging times.
Join the Funders Together to End Homelessness - Baltimore for a virtual meeting on the City’s response to the needs of Baltimore’s homeless population during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Access to stable housing, food quality, social support networks, and other social factors are critical in shaping health outcomes. These factors are known as social determinants of health and they are rooted in unjust systems.
Join us for a conversation about food access and innovative transit practices in South Baltimore. We will discuss the opportunities for addressing access issues in the South Baltimore region, understand the vision and goals for the South Baltimore Lyft Grocery Access Program, and gather suggestions on what the pilot program evaluation should capture.
Join us for a briefing on the tightening eligibility requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the impact of these changes on Marylanders as well as the response from advocates, providers, and state/local government.