The Prenatal to Five Impact Collaborative (PN-5 Impact Collaborative) meets each month.
The Prenatal to Five Impact Collaborative (PN-5 Impact Collaborative) meets each month.
Please join the Prenatal to Five Impact Collaborative for their second meeting to learn about Maryland State Department of Education’s Prenatal to Eight Strategic Plan and about the three year grant from Pritzker Foundation for Prenatal-to-Three efforts statewide and what role there is for private philanthropy in those efforts.
Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to announce the formation of the Prenatal to Five Impact Collaborative (PN-5 Impact Collaborative). This group is for funders interested in learning together about the needs of pregnant women and families with children up to age 5 and how to best support them.
Join us for a conversation that will discuss the Baltimore Education Research Consortium (BERC)’s decade long study of post-secondary educational and workforce outcomes of Baltimore City high school graduates and the recent publication of the Baltimore College Fact Book. The conversation will also focus on the work of BERC over the last 14 years and opportunities for continued impact with the recent expansion of the consortium to include 10 new Maryland colleges and universities.
Maternal and child health outcomes are determined by a complex series of social and environmental factors. As well, disparities in maternal and child health outcomes exist along racial and socioeconomic lines.
Join the Education Affinity Group and Steven Hicks, from MSDE, to learn more about Maryland's Preschool Development Birth through Five grant from the Federal Government (PDG B-5).
The Early Education Data Collaborative was created to follow early childhood trajectories of children born to Baltimore City residents. Join us to hear from a panel of collaborative members. They will share research and data they've collected and learned to date as a member of the collaborative.
Please join us on August 3rd to learn about Maryland's plans for its proposal - we will be joined by Margaret Williams, Executive Director of the Maryland Family Network. Maryland Family Network has two representatives on a nine-member leadership committee, drawn from the Governor-appointed Maryland Early Care and Education Advisory Council, that is providing guidance to MSDE staff on the design and development of Maryland’s proposal.
Clear evidence exists that reading proficiently by third grade is a powerful determinant of achievement and high school graduation and yet there are millions of American children that do not meet this critical benchmark.