Wednesday, June 08, 2022 at 10:00 to 11:30 AM

Join us for a conversation with the leadership of the Baltimore Summer Funding Collaborative where we will learn how the Collaborative is thinking about their work, hear updates on what was funded and not funded in the latest grant cycle, key them

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 02:00 to 03:30 PM

Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a conversation with Dr. William “Brit” Kirwan, member of the new state-level Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) and former chairman of the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (also known as the Kirwan Commission) that resulted in the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, which is now law. Dr. Kirwan will provide an update on the role of the AIB with the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, expectations for the Blueprint with respect to impacting K-12 education, how the Blueprint addresses equity in education, and implications for the work ahead. We will also explore ways to engage the philanthropic community in supporting the effort around the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. Dr. Kirwan will be joined by Rachel Hise, Executive Director of the Accountability and Implementation Board. Previously, Ms. Hise served as a long-time policy analyst for the Department of Legislative Services and was the lead staff person to the Kirwan Commission.

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Monday, February 28, 2022 at 02:00 to 03:30 PM

Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for a discussion with Senator Paul Pinsky and leading education advocates about the 2022 Legislative Session. Senator Pinsky will share information about K-12 education legislation under review and the role of philanthropy in K-12 education in support of public funding efforts. Advocates will share education bills they are working on and a status update from their perspectives on the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. We will also hear from the charter school community to learn their policy priorities and how they are impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, and the influx of state and federal dollars.

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Monday, January 24, 2022 at 01:00 to 02:00 PM

Rising 6th grade and 9th grade students in Baltimore City have the opportunity to apply to the middle and high schools of their choice. As a result of the pandemic and the movement toward a more equitable process, the school choice process this year has been adjusted. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network and our speakers Brandon Tilghman and Dominick Bivens from Baltimore City Public Schools who will walk us through the school choice process, highlighting recent changes and sharing plans for continued improvement.

Tuesday, December 07, 2021 at 02:00 to 03:30 PM

Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for the second of a three-part series on community schools. Part II will focus on Intermediaries and the role they play in facilitating the implementation of Community Schools. We will be joined by the following community school leaders: Chief Tina Hike-Hubbard of Baltimore City Schools,​​​​​​; Khalilah Slater Harrington, Chief Program Officer, Family League of Baltimore; and Dr. Ingrid Williams-Horton, Director of Community Schools, Prince George’s County Public Schools.
