In April, the PN5 Affinity Group will focus on early childhood education in Baltimore City Public Schools with the district's Director of Early Learning.
Maryland has an opportunity to build a statewide, multi-racial coalition of organizations comprised of parents and providers designed to build awareness and unite around a plan to educate policymakers and other key stakeholders on Prenatal to 3 priorities for parents, families and communities. The Maryland Family Network (MFN) currently has a planning grant from the J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Foundation (Pritzker) with an opportunity to receive an implementation grant. The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) and Education Funders Affinity Groups are invited to learn more about the focus of the planning grant, the importance of stakeholder engagement toward achieving policies and systems goals in the state, and how MFN, Strong Schools Maryland and other organizations are working together to prepare a strong case for continued support from Pritzker.
Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash prior to attending a meeting.
This funders-only conversation is designed to support a shared process for setting the stage for the PN5 Group’s learning agenda, collaborative efforts, and collective influence for this year.
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices. More details about the agenda and speakers will be available soon!
Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash prior to attending a meeting.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Education Funders and Prenatal to Five Affinity Groups to learn about "mixed delivery systems" of care that connect across multiple programs, providers, and settings (including public schools and community-based organizations) that can be supported with a combination of public funds and private funds. Our speakers will share possible avenues for a system of mixed delivery in Baltimore and across Maryland along with potential next steps. Space will be created for dialogue between funders about steps you can take together around early care and education.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Prenatal to Five Affinity Group for a conversation with Dr.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for a conversation with Maryland State Superintendent Mohammed Choudhury. This will be an opportunity to learn Mr. Choudhury’s goals for the Maryland State Department of Education, anticipated needs for the upcoming school year, along with an opportunity to explore the role of philanthropy in supporting public education in our state. Members are encouraged to share questions prior to the session to maximize time with Mr. Choudhury.
Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to host Dr. Sonja Santelises, Chief Executive Officer of the Baltimore City Public School System, for our annual conversation with the Education Funders Affinity Group. Dr. Santelises will discuss the plan for the upcoming school year and highlight how philanthropy can best support the District. Members are encouraged to share questions prior to the session to maximize time with Dr. Santelises.
There is evidence that children born during the pandemic are experiencing significant delays in cognitive, verbal, and motor development. These developmental gaps can be mitigated but need attention right away.
The Prenatal to Five Affinity Group meets bi-monthly. This peer group is focused on learning together about the needs of pregnant women and families with children up to age 5 and how to best support them. Any Maryland Philanthropy Network member who would like to connect and learn about investing in and supporting Prenatal to Five spaces is welcome.