Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to host Dr. Sonja Santelises, Chief Executive Officer of the Baltimore City Public School System, for our annual conversation with the Education Funders Affinity Group. Dr. Santelises will discuss the plan for the upcoming school year and highlight how philanthropy can best support the District. Members are encouraged to share questions prior to the session to maximize time with Dr. Santelises.
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Join us and Junior Achievement's 3DE Schools for a deeper conversation on their innovative program at the request of several members.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group to hear from leaders of Baltimore City Public Schools about strategies and emerging models they are engaging to improve older youth literacy. They will be joined by Theme Reads, a program at the Success for All Foundation in partnership with Johns Hopkins University, who will share information about their model for working with older students, what’s unique about working with high school students, how their work differs from traditional models, their work with Baltimore City Schools, and program outcomes. This session begins a series of upcoming conversations for the fall focusing on high school age youth.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for our quarterly peer-to-peer exchange for education funders! Topics for June are the following:
Join us for a conversation with the leadership of the Baltimore Summer Funding Collaborative where we will learn how the Collaborative is thinking about their work, hear updates on what was funded and not funded in the latest grant cycle, key them
The second in our two-part series will focus on practitioner perspectives on teacher retention, challenges, and opportunities.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for the first in a two-part series on the teacher pipeline. The onslaught of the pandemic has created a crisis in the classroom with school systems at-risk of losing educators.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for our quarterly peer-to-peer exchange for education funders!
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for a discussion with Senator Paul Pinsky and leading education advocates about the 2022 Legislative Session. Senator Pinsky will share information about K-12 education legislation under review and the role of philanthropy in K-12 education in support of public funding efforts. Advocates will share education bills they are working on and a status update from their perspectives on the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. We will also hear from the charter school community to learn their policy priorities and how they are impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, and the influx of state and federal dollars.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a conversation with Dr. Tracey L. Durant, Executive Director, and Chitamawe Daka Mulwanda, Manager of Equity, for Baltimore City Public Schools.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for the final session in our three-part series on community schools. Part III will focus on practitioners and the role they play in facilitating the implementation of Community Schools.
The Prenatal to Five Impact Collaborative (PN-5 Impact Collaborative) meets bi-monthly.
Join us for our first Quarterly Peer-to-Peer Exchange for Education Funders! The pandemic has changed the way we work.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Health Funders Affinity Group and the Affinity Group on Aging for the third conversation in our mental health series. Our distinguished panel will share their expertise and intense work to create and sustain a 988 mental health crisis hotline. Together we will explore national and state models and their funding supports, the development plan for the initiative, and learn about Maryland’s need to implement and advocate for its urgency at the 2022 Legislative session. This is a call to action – 988 is not just a phone number – it is a proactive resource for people reaching out for help.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for the second of a three-part series on community schools. Part II will focus on Intermediaries and the role they play in facilitating the implementation of Community Schools. We will be joined by the following community school leaders: Chief Tina Hike-Hubbard of Baltimore City Schools,; Khalilah Slater Harrington, Chief Program Officer, Family League of Baltimore; and Dr. Ingrid Williams-Horton, Director of Community Schools, Prince George’s County Public Schools.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a conversation at the nexus of education and health. Together, we will explore how schools are responding to children in mental health crisis, how those students are being supported, what this looks like in practice, and ways the philanthropic community can be supportive.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for the first of a three-part series on community schools. To start our series, Dr. Mavis Sanders, Senior Research Scholar of Black Children and Families at Child Trends, a national think tank, will share research perspectives related to implementation and accountability of K-12, full-service community schools. We will also hear from Ellie Mitchell, Executive Director of the Maryland Out of School Time Network, who will share state policy perspectives and a systems overview of community schools.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for our annual conversation with Baltimore City Public Schools Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Sonja Santelises. Dr. Santelises will share updates on City Schools 3-year plan to provide a robust education for students. She will also share information about opportunities for the funding community to support City Schools in light of their investment plans for federal American Rescue Plan dollars (ESSER III).
This event has been canceled as the group moves from a monthly to bi-monthly meeting schedule.
On September 14th, the Prenatal to 5 Impact Collaborative will be learning from Brandi