Science has shown us something powerful: the relationships babies and young children form with their parents and caregivers shape their health, learning, and resilience for a lifetime. For part 3 of our learning series on Early Relational Health, Maryland Philanthropy Network's Prenatal to Five Affinity Group is pleased to host Atiya Weiss, Executive Director of the Burke Foundation, and Ira Hillman, Strategy Lead on Bonding at the Einhorn Collaborative, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to addressing America’s growing crisis of connection. Together we will explore how fostering strong, nurturing relationships can transform the lives of infants, toddlers, and their families – laying a solid foundation for success in school, work and life.
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Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Prenatal to Five Funders Affinity Group for a 3-part virtual learning series highlighting the biological, social, and systemic foundations of Early Relational Health. This will be an opportunity to engage with national and local experts, connect with fellow leaders, learn from inspiring real-world examples, and explore how fostering strong, nurturing relationships can transform the lives of infants, toddlers, and their families – laying a solid foundation for success in school, work and life.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Prenatal to Five Funders Affinity Group for a 3-part virtual learning series highlighting the biological, social, and systemic foundations of Early Relational Health. This will be an opportunity to engage with national and local experts, connect with fellow leaders, learn from inspiring real-world examples, and explore how fostering strong, nurturing relationships can transform the lives of infants, toddlers, and their families – laying a solid foundation for success in school, work and life.
We are delighted to host Special Secretary Carmel Martin, head of The Governor's Office for Children, for a conversation that focuses on young children and their families. We will discuss the opportunities and challenges facing families and the systems that are intended to support their health, development and well-being. Using the framework for a comprehensive early childhood development system that the Prenatal to Five Funders Group has adopted, the conversation will cover family economics, child care, infant and early childhood mental health, equity and inclusion, early relational health, housing, and the importance of engaging with families and caregivers in the design of system responses. We will explore the implementation of the ENOUGH Act and the Blueprint for Maryland's Future and the ways that both initiatives can work in support of young children and their families reaching their full potential. This is a virtual meeting.
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices.
Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) services are essential to a high-quality, high-functioning child care system. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Prenatal-to-Five Affinity Group and Tracy Harris, Program Director of the Baltimore City Child Care Resource Center (BCCCRC) to learn how CCR&R centers support diverse child care options for families and provide essential professional and business development for child care providers. The conversation will explore the ways BCCCRC contributes to the implementation of Pillar 1 of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and learn about the gaps that are ahead as ARPA funding concludes.
Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network and William Julius Wilson Institute at Harlem Children’s Zone for a gathering of Maryland leaders to celebrate the passage of the historic ENOUGH Act. Learn directly from Maryland Governor Wes Moore and state and national leaders about Maryland's groundbreaking approach to addressing economic mobility and join forces with leaders committed to economic mobility and moving the needle for children in Maryland.
Significant gains to the Child Care Scholarship Program and advancements for mixed delivery systems and family child care settings are headlines from this year's legislative session. The Prenatal to Five Affinity Group will be joined by Beth Morrow, Director of Public Policy for the Maryland Family Network (MFN), for a legislative recap and time to talk about the opportunities to seize and challenges that remain. Join us virtually on May 14 from 12:00 - 1:30 pm.
Early childhood professionals play an essential role in communities, helping young children to develop, supporting working families, and enabling business operations. While affordable and high-quality childcare is critical, the early childcare sector is underfunded and dysfunctional. COVID-19 has exacerbated longstanding issues, exacting a devastating impact on childcare centers and the professionals that staff them. In this program, we will hear more about the issues impacting the early childhood workforce at the individual, employer, and systems levels. We will explore the role of employer collaboration with funders and other stakeholders to advance necessary changes in business practices and public policies to support these essential workers.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health and Prenatal-to-Five Funders Affinity Groups to discuss with representatives from Boldly Gold Philanthropy and the Community Health Acceleration Partnership (CHAP) the opportunities collaborative funding in Maryland can serve to connect community and government, build a stronger and more diverse birth workforce, and create thriving ecosystems of community-based organizations to improve outcomes. Maryland Department of Health’s Elizabeth Kromm, PhD, Director, Prevention and Health Promotion Administration, will share the Department's vision for maternal health and overall women's health. Dr. Kromm will provide an overview of current initiatives across the perinatal continuum as well as discuss opportunities for partnership with philanthropy.
All MPN members are invited to join the Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group for a conversation featuring the Bainum Family Foundation's WeVision EarlyEd Initiative, which is a catalyst for making the ideal child care real — as defined by those closest to the system: families, educators and administrators. WeVision EarlyEd is designed to guide necessary conversations and test ideal solutions, beginning with the District of Columbia and then influencing other communities across the nation. Attendees will learn details about the initiative, insights and ideas captured thus far, the Foundation’s investments to begin to test ideal solutions, as well as future plans.
This meeting has been cancelled so PN5 members may join Senator Ben Cardin from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM for a virtual Town Hall hosted by Maryland Nonprofits. For information, please visit
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices.
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group invites Maryland Philanthropy Network members to learn more about the successful campaign to secure Medicaid support for HealthySteps in Maryland, while being updated on the state's infant and early childhood mental health collaborative from Kay Connors, Executive Director, Taghi Modarressi Center for Infant Study at the University of MD School of Medicine. The meeting will also offer updates on upcoming opportunities for funder collaboration to support the Blueprint's Pillar One and strengthen the childcare workforce.
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices.
Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash prior to attending a meeting.
Join the Prenatal-to-Five (PN5) Affinity Group to learn about a strategic new partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education that is relevant to the successful implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future. Martha Holleman of Strategic Thinking for Social Change will share a draft scope of work for a child care supply and demand study and Laura Weeldreyer of Maryland Family Network will provide a broader contextual lens, which helps illustrate how the supply and demand study is an integral component of implementing the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.
This meeting has been canceled. The next Prenatal-to-Five Affinity Group Meeting will be on Tuesday, November 7, from 12:00 to 1:30 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices. More details about the agenda and speakers will be available soon!
Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash prior to attending a meeting.
Join the Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group for updates and discussion on policy and systems change opportunities in support of young children and their families.
Please join us in person at the Maryland Philanthropy Network's office for a luncheon session with Dr. Shayna Cook from the Maryland State Department of Education. We will learn about the State's plans and Dr. Cook's vision for early learning in Maryland. There will be an opportunity to be in dialogue with her to learn how funders can be involved and to share the work of the PN5 Affinity Group. Participants will have time for informal networking over lunch.
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices. More details about the agenda and speakers will be available soon!
Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash prior to attending a meeting.
In April, the PN5 Affinity Group will focus on early childhood education in Baltimore City Public Schools with the district's Director of Early Learning.
Maryland has an opportunity to build a statewide, multi-racial coalition of organizations comprised of parents and providers designed to build awareness and unite around a plan to educate policymakers and other key stakeholders on Prenatal to 3 priorities for parents, families and communities. The Maryland Family Network (MFN) currently has a planning grant from the J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Foundation (Pritzker) with an opportunity to receive an implementation grant. The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) and Education Funders Affinity Groups are invited to learn more about the focus of the planning grant, the importance of stakeholder engagement toward achieving policies and systems goals in the state, and how MFN, Strong Schools Maryland and other organizations are working together to prepare a strong case for continued support from Pritzker.
Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash prior to attending a meeting.
This funders-only conversation is designed to support a shared process for setting the stage for the PN5 Group’s learning agenda, collaborative efforts, and collective influence for this year.