Join your peers in the region for a jointly sponsored program between philanthropy-serving organizations about the role private and public foundations can play in advocacy as individual foundations or with your grantees.
At the corner of North and Cecil Avenues in Central Baltimore sits the newly constructed home of Roberta’s House. The building represents a transformational investment designed to bring new life to a vacant block that was previously occupied by rowhomes. This piece tells the story of lessons from the Greenmount Life, Opportunity, and Wellness (GLOW) Initiative, a new effort to concentrate financial and social investment in select neighborhoods that have long experienced underinvestment.
How can we build a better and more equitable health care system? Join the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders and Public Policy Committee, and leading advocates working to advance health equity in Maryland as we discuss state and local initiatives to expand health care coverage, improve health care quality, address disparities in health outcomes, and make prescription drugs more affordable.
Join us for the first meeting of the State of the Sector Workgroup in follow up to our March program
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) is a $27 billion investment in climate and clean energy established by the Inflation Reduction Act. Please join the Green Funders Affinity Group to learn about the purpose and components of the GGRF. Representatives of local organizations that have applied for funding to benefit Maryland will describe each fund and their proposed strategy and share thoughts about barriers to community institutions accessing funding, and philanthropy’s role in supporting the infrastructure for equitable implementation of investments especially at the state and local levels.
Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders Affinity Group is pleased to host Maryland Department of Health’s Deputy Secretary Ryan Moran, Healthcare Financing and Medicaid Director, for a conversation about the strategic priorities and vision of Maryland's Medicaid program. Specifically, Dr. Moran will review Medicaid's focus to promote innovation, access to care, health equity, and behavioral health.
Maryland Philanthropy Network (MPN) is focused on funders in Maryland, and we know we live in an interconnected world where our network reaches out across the globe supporting communities near and far. We have members who are grieving, who are leading and/or supporting relief efforts, and others who aren’t sure how to engage yet. For times like these, we want to take a moment to share how MPN can help you navigate this current crisis.
Join the Prenatal-to-Five (PN5) Affinity Group to learn about a strategic new partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education that is relevant to the successful implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future. Martha Holleman of Strategic Thinking for Social Change will share a draft scope of work for a child care supply and demand study and Laura Weeldreyer of Maryland Family Network will provide a broader contextual lens, which helps illustrate how the supply and demand study is an integral component of implementing the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.
On November 21st, the Greater Washington Community Foundation announced the launch of Thrive Prince George’s, a two-year, $4 million guaranteed-income pilot that seeks to provide greater economic stability and mobility for familie
Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders Affinity Group and Dr. Judy Monroe, President and CEO of the CDC Foundation, for an engaging conversation on the support needed for the launch of the Maryland Commission on Public Health. The Commission was newly created in June 2023 by the Maryland General Assembly, inspired by Dr. Monroe’s public health work in Indiana, Health First Indiana.
At a time when so many are willing to give up any discussion of America’s past in exchange for a false semblance of civil discourse, a new report from the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy makes the case that foundations have an immediate opportunity and responsibility to address society’s past harm in order to help communities heal and thrive. Cracks in the Foundation: Philanthropy’s Role in Reparations for Black People in the DMV details how the disparities in areas like education, income, employment and housing for Black residents in the District of Columbia, southern Maryland, and northern Virginia areas (commonly known as the DMV) are not random or natural occurrences but are a string of conscious choices that repeatedly harmed communities.
The Donor Advised Fund Research Collaborative (DAFRC) is a consortium of academic and nonprofit researchers.
By expanding support to arts and cultural organizations in diverse neighborhoods, funders can provide a missing ingredient in the effort to advance equity.
A comprehensive survey of kinship care policies identifies increasing efforts by states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to promote kinship care and support kinship caregivers of children and youth who are known to the child welfare syste
Americans don’t understand philanthropy, and the sector’s own messaging is a big part of the problem. The Council on Foundation's new report with the Center for Public Interest Communications, is the largest study to date on philanthropy and its narratives. The report shares science-backed strategies from their research that build understanding and trust.
We continue to watch what feels like a never-ending stream of disasters unfold in our local communities and around the globe – hurricanes, wildfires, a pandemic, floods, and human-made crises.
Maryland Philanthropy Network provides services and consulting expertise to meet the needs of our members as part of their membership benefit. We also provide discounted consulting services to our members seeking intensive-special purpose consult
The Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Aging Innovations Group and Maryland Department of Aging invite you to a special presentation by the National Center to Reframe Aging to gain an understanding of the need to change the way our society communicates about aging and older adults. This session will provide guidance on how to advance an equitable and complete story about aging and promote evidence-based communication strategies to frame aging issues and help participants learn more about the power of research-based framing strategies to increase the impact and efficacy of your communications and work.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network as we discuss technology trends for the nonprofit sector with Amy Sample Ward, Executive Director of NTEN, a nonprofit capacity building organization that has been building the technology leadership and confidence of nonprofit staff for 24 years. Amy and Anne Allen, a Program Officer with the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, will talk about their experience and lessons learned from an on-going partnership between the two organizations to support nonprofit technology. Following their examples, we’ll discussion options for what philanthropy can do to support this aspect of nonprofit organizational health.