During this discussion, leading experts and advocates will outline the critically necessary safeguards which state election administrators can implement to ensure that future elections are protected from sophisticated cyberattacks.
Please join the Maryland Philanthropy Network staff and nonprofit and funder colleagues for a coffee and donut celebration on June 29 from 8:30-10:00 am. Drop in Open Works for Greenmount Coffee Lab's refreshments and good conversation about how to build connections in our sector.
Our current elections require systemic reforms to counter racial and partisan gerrymandering, increase voter participation, overcome zero-sum polarization, and advance a reflective and representative democracy.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for a conversation with the new Maryland State Superintendent Mohammed Choudhury. This will be a great opportunity to learn Mr. Choudhury’s goals for the Maryland State Department of Education, anticipated needs for the upcoming school year, along with an opportunity to explore the role of philanthropy in supporting public education in our state.
What Grantees Want Funders to Know is a new case study from the Asset Funders Network
In The Black Butterfly: The Harmful Politics of Race and Space in America, Lawrence T. Brown reveals that ongoing historical trauma caused by a combination of policies, practices, systems, and budgets is at the root of uprisings and crises in hyper-segregated cities around the country. Putting Baltimore under a microscope, Brown looks closely at the causes of segregation, many of which exist in current legislation and regulatory policy despite the common belief that overtly racist policies are a thing of the past. Join your colleagues for a peer discussion about the role of our sector in this call to action to promote racial equity, end redlining, and reverse the damaging health- and wealth-related effects of segregation.
In October 2019, members of the Kirwan Commission’s Funding Formula Workgroup briefed MPN members on their recommendations to the Co
How do you engage city residents to volunteer to confront Baltimore's challenges and serve vulnerable people throughout the city? To help 60,000 Baltimoreans sustain recovery from drugs and alcohol abuse? To repurpose 14,000 vacant lots?
This program has been postponed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The GEOLOOM co>map is an online map that highlights arts and culture activities and organizations in Baltimore.
The Affinity Group on Aging invites you to a program focusing on the critical determinant of health; the lack of affordable, accessible transportation for older adults. As Baltimore City residents age, they often lose their capacity to drive which negatively impacts their independence and quality of life contributing to ill health due to social isolation and loneliness.
Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to postpone this program. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Today, the Scott Administration announced the departure of Broadband and Digital Equity Director Jason Hardebeck, effective immediately.
Join us to learn more about important milestones before and during the 2020 Census, and ways your foundation can support "Get Out the Count" activities, including participation in state and local Complete Count Committees.
View program resources from Youth Mental Health Crisis and the Increasing Demands on Emergency Room Care.
View materials from "Maryland Community Foundations Association Quarterly Meeting - October 2020"
In June 2018, the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners held a Board Forum on Equity where it became clear that there was a need to create an equity policy to ensure success for students, with a particular focus on eliminating the predictab
Join us for a live webinar on Tuesday, June 18 for an education legislative wrap-up. We will discuss important legislation from the 2019 General Assembly that impacts education across the state and in Baltimore.
Please join us on June 2nd to discuss how we can better support homeless children and youth through schools.
Job training programs that include apprenticeships, paid internships or other real life employment experiences are among the most successful in helping prepare jobseekers for new careers.