In 2008, City Schools adopted a model for school budgeting called “fair student funding” to put as many dollars as possible directly in schools, whose communities know best what their students need. According to City Schools, a number of changes have occurred since then.
The Daily Record has announced the honorees of its 2018 Maryland’s Top 100 Women awards.
Fourteen women will be inducted into the Circle of Excellence, receiving the award for a third and final time.
On June 6, Baltimore City announced a month-long request for proposal (RFP) period for the first round of disbursements from the $12 million Baltimore Children and Youth Fund. Attendees will learn more about the priority investment areas, grant review process, and public engagement throughout the process from members of the planning team representing Frontline Solutions, UPD Consulting and Associated Black Charities.
Whether a seasoned advocate or at a foundation determined to step into the civic engagement realm for the first time, start the new year with a refresher on the breadth of activities foundations can legally engage in and fund while remaining nonpa
Low math and literacy skills disqualify many men and women from training programs that provide occupational skills needed to acquire family sustaining employment.
The Prenatal to 5 Impact Collaborative will be meeting with Steven Hick
All arts and culture funders are invited to hear Nicholas Cohen, Executive Director, Maryland Citizens for the Arts, share findings from their research and to join in a discussion about the implications of these findings as well shifts in funding and support for the arts throughout Maryland and in Baltimore specifically. We’ll provide ample time for all participants to deepen collaboration by sharing information, current opportunities, lessons learned and queries about supporting the arts in Maryland.
Jamye Wooten, founder of CLLCTIVLY, a Baltimore-based social change organization that mobilizes resources for Black-led organizations, lost his sister to cancer at the age of 53.
The Wright Family Fund will continue to make grants to support educational opportunities for children and youth in Baltimore City and Austin, Texas
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network, the Abell Foundation, and the Middendorf Foundation for a joint program examining recent research on Baltimore City’s contracting, payment, and permitting processes and how delays in those processes negatively affect non-profits and the high-need communities they serve. At this briefing, you will hear from authors of the newly released Abell Report on the City’s contracting process and learn about the findings from a joint Middendorf/MPN study on the City’s permitting and grantmaking systems. The goals of the briefing are to share the scale and scope of the challenges, recommend changes, and discuss how funders can support the implementation of these changes in an effort to strengthen and support Baltimore’s non-profit sector.
The Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County had a wonderful night celebrating women, community, and Black Philanthropy Month on August 1 at the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County's Black Philanthropy Month Happy Hour at The 3rd. The WGC is proud to continue support for Black Philanthropy Month, which is observed every August. The primary aims of BPM are informing, involving, inspiring and investing in Black philanthropic leadership to strengthen African-American and African-descent giving in all its forms, for the benefit of our planet, our communities, our organizations and our lives.
Join us for a meeting of the State of the Sector Workgroup featuring the State of the Sector Report with Dr. John Brothers, President of T. Rowe Price Foundation. At this second meeting of the workgroup, participants will learn the top priorities that will become the focal points for collective work, develop a common language around key concepts, and determine starting points for taking action.
Join us for our next State of the Sector Workgroup meeting featuring the State of the Sector Report with Dr. John Brothers, President of T. Rowe Price Foundation where we will continue our rich field building discussions and follow up on key ideas generated at the September meeting related to top priorities that are emerging as focal points for the collective work of the group. In addition, we will further explore the development of a common language around key concepts and dig deeper into starting points for taking action.
Evictions in Maryland are nearing pre-pandemic highs, with more than 18,000 households evicted in the first ten months of 2023, compared to just over 19,000 in the first ten months of 2019. Evictions have devastating consequences for both the ind
The Annie E.
Baltimore has a rich history of developing its children and communities through sports – from the childhood of Babe Ruth to the proliferation of recreation centers in the 1960s and ‘70s, from the rise of decorated Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps to
Residents of the Greater Washington region are struggling to catch up and keep up financially. New data gives us a window into the lives of our region’s residents, and the precarity they face at a time we all hoped would be more prosperous.
This weekend’s misinformed, racist tirades made it clear that Donald Trump doesn’t consider Baltimore part of his America. The Baltimore President Trump sees is a racist caricature of urban blight.
Childhood trauma causes serious health repercussions throughout life and is a public health issue that calls for concerted prevention efforts.