Tuesday, August 01, 2023 at 09:00 to 03:00 PM

Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network, in partnership with the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, for an exciting day of learning and networking with fellow philanthropic leaders. The day will begin with an excursion through a portion of the Underground Railroad, including a tour of the Harriet Tubman Museum. Participants will then enjoy lunch and an engaging conversation with local voices to talk about shared goals around both the racial and economic challenges facing rural Maryland and how philanthropy might respond.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 02:00 to 03:30 PM

During the 2020 uprisings against anti-Black racism and amidst a global pandemic, every sector in the United States, including philanthropy, condemned systemic injustice and committed to implementing more equitable policies and practices within th

Tuesday, May 09, 2023 at 11:00 to 12:30 PM

How can we build a better and more equitable health care system? Join the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders and Public Policy Committee, and leading advocates working to advance health equity in Maryland as we discuss state and local initiatives to expand health care coverage, improve health care quality, address disparities in health outcomes, and make prescription drugs more affordable.

Friday, March 31, 2023 at 10:00 to 11:30 AM

Maryland has an opportunity to build a statewide, multi-racial coalition of organizations comprised of parents and providers designed to build awareness and unite around a plan to educate policymakers and other key stakeholders on Prenatal to 3 priorities for parents, families and communities. The Maryland Family Network (MFN) currently has a planning grant from the J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Foundation (Pritzker) with an opportunity to receive an implementation grant. The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) and Education Funders Affinity Groups are invited to learn more about the focus of the planning grant, the importance of stakeholder engagement toward achieving policies and systems goals in the state, and how MFN, Strong Schools Maryland and other organizations are working together to prepare a strong case for continued support from Pritzker.

Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash prior to attending a meeting.

Wednesday, February 08, 2023 at 03:30 to 05:00 PM

Maryland Philanthropy Network members are invited to join representatives from B’more Invested, InFusion Community Grants, Youth as Resources, and other participatory grantmakers for an engaging discussion about what they are learning, especially about decision-making structures, coaching, compensation, and the power of allocating resources that directly impact their neighbors and peers. We’ll also discuss how the Ground Root Collective is collaborating on efforts to strengthen the social sector by supporting applicants and grantees before, during, and after grant cycles.  If you are curious about or have joined in participatory grantmaking, this is time to dig in and explore this practice and the implications of being more participatory!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 02:00 to 03:00 PM

Join Maryland Philanthropy Network, Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) Executive Director, Chantal Foster, and TAG Survey Committee Member, Tess Hanrahan of the Hewlett Foundation, for this interactive webinar that will explore key findings and trends from TAG's 2022 State of Philanthropy Tech survey just in time for your 2023 planning. Now in its third version, this report compiles results from 277 grantmaking organizations throughout North America, the EU, and UK to better understand the technology environment, practices, and perceptions in philanthropy. The findings are fascinating!

