Kelly Medinger, our most trusted and valued Executive Director of the Knott Foundation for the last decade, has shared her intentions to resign from her post, effective December 31, 2022. Her unwavering dedication to our mission, her institutional knowledge of our Foundation, her keen understanding of family dynamics, and her strong team-building with our executive staff have all contributed greatly towards the growth, focus, and stability of our Catholic family foundation. The Knott Foundation's Board of Trustees is seeking a new Executive Director, who will succeed our current Executive Director upon her departure at the end of 2022.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Education Funders and Prenatal to Five Affinity Groups to learn about "mixed delivery systems" of care that connect across multiple programs, providers, and settings (including public schools and community-based organizations) that can be supported with a combination of public funds and private funds. Our speakers will share possible avenues for a system of mixed delivery in Baltimore and across Maryland along with potential next steps. Space will be created for dialogue between funders about steps you can take together around early care and education.
Independent Sector regularly releases Health of the U.S. Nonprofit Sector reports – an evolving and growing resource of data, analysis, and recommendations about key areas powering more than 1.8 million U.S. nonprofits.
NEW YORK - Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise) today announced the closing of the Equitable Upward Mobility Fund (EUMF), a $190 million Low-Income Housing Tax Credit fund designed specifically to support economic mobility with a focus on ra
Maryland Philanthropy Network will celebrate all the administrative professionals in our network with a special morning designed just for them. Join us as we recognize the work of secretaries, administrative assistants, receptionists, and other office professionals for their contributions to the workplace. This will be an opportunity to meet and build relationships with colleagues. MPN will provide a light breakfast and drinks.
More funders are providing general operating support to BIPOC-led organizations. But is it enough? Our research suggests that acting in true alignment and solidarity with BIPOC communities requires more: that funders begin to fundamentally shift the way they think about and use their resources, power, and privilege
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices. More details about the agenda and speakers will be available soon!
Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash prior to attending a meeting.
Maryland Philanthropy Network's Strategic Frame was a labor of love comprising the work of our board and staff and the feedback of the dynamic community of funders that makes MPN possible. As a membership organization, we rely on our members not just for the vibrancy they bring to our community, but also to hold us accountable to the strategy we set forth. We encourage you to read through the entire Strategic Frame including our updated mission, vision, and north star.
Maryland Philanthropy Network invites the staff and board members of nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations and social enterprises to our recurring program on foundations and the broader landscape of philanthropy in Maryland. This learning opportunity is most appropriate to new grantseekers and to nonprofit organizations in Baltimore and central Maryland. The webinar provides basic knowledge of foundations and other grantmakers and resources for finding funders/funding opportunities.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s evolving Emergent Philanthropy Roundtable, to discuss Darren Walker’s book, From Generosity to Justice: A New Gospel of Wealth. This peer discussion will focus on the first two chapters, which include pages 1 - 48.
Maryland Philanthropy Network invites the staff and board members of nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations and social enterprises to our recurring program on foundations and the broader landscape of philanthropy in Maryland. This learning opportunity is most appropriate to new grantseekers and to nonprofit organizations in Baltimore and central Maryland. The webinar provides basic knowledge of foundations and other grantmakers and resources for finding funders/funding opportunities.
All MPN members are invited to join the Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group for a conversation featuring the Bainum Family Foundation's WeVision EarlyEd Initiative, which is a catalyst for making the ideal child care real — as defined by those closest to the system: families, educators and administrators. WeVision EarlyEd is designed to guide necessary conversations and test ideal solutions, beginning with the District of Columbia and then influencing other communities across the nation. Attendees will learn details about the initiative, insights and ideas captured thus far, the Foundation’s investments to begin to test ideal solutions, as well as future plans.
This new national research report from the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy, Colmena-Consulting, and Philanthropy Together explores the transformative impact of collective giving on philanthropy. The report underscores collective giving groups’ role in reshaping philanthropic practices, fostering social connections, and amplifying the voices of marginalized communities.
Maryland Philanthropy Network invites the staff and board members of nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations and social enterprises to our recurring program on foundations and the broader landscape of philanthropy in Maryland. This learning opportunity is most appropriate to new grantseekers and to nonprofit organizations in Baltimore and central Maryland. The webinar provides basic knowledge of foundations and other grantmakers and resources for finding funders/funding opportunities.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a virtual conversation to learn about the recovery effort over the past two months including an update from the Governor's Office and on the philanthropic response from the three established funds - Maryland Tough Baltimore Strong Key Bridge Fund at the Baltimore Community Foundation, the City of Baltimore’s Key Bridge Emergency Response Fund, and the Bridging the Gap Fund of United Way of Central Maryland. We will also have a data presentation from the Baltimore Metropolitan Council on the regional impact of the Key Bridge collapse and the effects on jobs, transportation, and environmental justice.
“May the dignity of your fellow be as dear to you as your own.”
Racial equity is crucial to effective philanthropy, and lean foundations—those with few or no staff—are uniquely positioned to make a significant impact. Exponent Philanthropy's 2024 publication, “Racial Equity in Lean Foundations: The Lean Funder’s Equity Journey,” delves into how these foundations are incorporating racial equity into their work to drive better decisions, achieve more equitable outcomes, and amplify their philanthropic impact.
View materials from "22nd COVID-19 Funder and Partner Coordination Briefing".