Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 02:30 to 04:00 PM

Join the leadership of Healing City Baltimore to learn about its mission, partners, and progress to date and future and to connect with other MPN members interested in trauma-responsive services and healing. To practice self-care and healing together, and as a gift to you from Healing City and MPN, we’ll spend the second half of our time in a mindfulness experience led by Ali Smith of the Holistic Life Foundation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 02:30 to 04:00 PM

The global pandemic undeniably established in the public mind that robust, affordable broadband service is part of our critical public infrastructure and an essential tool for our daily lives—as necessary as reliable electricity and clean water. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network to learn about the various aspects of the digital divide and the prospects for addressing it in Maryland and, particularly, in Baltimore City and Baltimore County. We’ll learn about the role of the new Office of Statewide Broadband; possibilities of building out broadband infrastructure and digital navigators; and gaps in public funding/possible investment opportunities for philanthropy.

Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 10:00 to 11:30 AM

In April 2017, the City of Baltimore entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to address findings related to the Baltimore Police Department’s patterns and practices. Since then, Baltimore City, Baltimore Police Department and multiple partners have come together to map out steps needed to make meaningful and sustainable change. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders Affinity Group and the Affinity Group on Aging to learn how Baltimore City is transforming the landscape of behavioral health crisis response and providing the tools necessary to reduce unnecessary police interaction with people with mental illness and substance use disorder.

Wednesday, March 02, 2022 at 09:30 to 11:00 AM

Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Green Funders Affinity Group to learn more about two recent action-oriented reports on climate change efforts in Maryland. Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss with grantmaking colleagues what are they are doing and can do in the climate mitigation and climate justice space. Through the conversation, we’ll lift up issues for further learning and potential collaboration in the environmental grantmaking space.

Monday, February 28, 2022 at 02:00 to 03:30 PM

Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for a discussion with Senator Paul Pinsky and leading education advocates about the 2022 Legislative Session. Senator Pinsky will share information about K-12 education legislation under review and the role of philanthropy in K-12 education in support of public funding efforts. Advocates will share education bills they are working on and a status update from their perspectives on the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. We will also hear from the charter school community to learn their policy priorities and how they are impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, and the influx of state and federal dollars.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 01:30 to 03:00 PM

Community Health Workers, Home Health Aides, Personal Care Attendants, and Nursing Assistants are among the direct care workers on the front lines of the Pandemic. COVID-19 spotlighted both an incentive towards accelerating the delivery of care directly in communities and the inequities experienced by direct care and community health workers.  During this program, we will have a discussion with David Rodwin of the Public Justice Center and the Maryland Regional Direct Services Collaborative, Dr. Chidinma Ibe, of the Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine and Public Health. We will learn from our speakers how we can support, advocate, and sustain community health workers and direct home care programs to meet the increasing need to change the delivery of healthcare from institution-based to the community. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 02:00 to 03:30 PM

To kick off 2022, the Arts Funders Affinity Group is pleased to welcome Eddie Torres, president & CEO of Grantmakers in the Arts. In late 2020 and again in mid-2021, Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) surveyed their members about recent and upcoming changes in arts grantmaking practices in response to the pandemic and the movement for Black lives. Eddie will share his national perspective of arts grantmaking and discuss the findings from GIA’s latest survey. We’ll then bring it home with a brief update from Nicholas Cohen from Maryland Citizens for the Arts and have a whole group sharing session about our grantmaking practice and if it reflects the national trends in increased giving, flexibility, support for individual artists, and support for BIPOC organizations. Will also identify opportunities for collaboration and continued learning.

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