Please join our Green Funders Affinity Group to hear outcomes from this year’s Maryland General Assembly session.
Please join our Health Funders Affinity Group for our annual legislative debrief. Our speakers will summarize the health legislation passed in 2022 as well as the efforts that did not quite make it this year.
Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to host this In Our Own Voice workshop, in partnership with the Baltimore affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to understand the experience of mental health issues from people with lived experience. NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore’s In Our Own Voice aims to change attitudes, assumptions, and stereotypes by describing the reality of living with mental illness. People with mental health conditions share their powerful personal stories in this presentation. We will be joined in this session by Kerry Graves, Executive Director of NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for the first in a two-part series on the teacher pipeline. The onslaught of the pandemic has created a crisis in the classroom with school systems at-risk of losing educators.
In their latest publication, Reimagining Capacity Building, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) provides vital principles for centering equity in our capacity building efforts, explores the way inequities can show up, and offers steps we can take to address and mitigate those inequities. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network and Grantmakers for Effective Organizations for this interactive and engaging workshop. Our speakers Akilah Massey, Vice President of Programs and Mareeha Niaz, Director of Programs at Grantmakers for Effective Organizations will give a deep dive into the practices highlighted in their resource and efforts around capacity building. Through national examples and Maryland voices, participants will ideas about how shifts in practices lead to meaningful change for communities.
Public budgets are one of the most important policy instruments of our government. They are moral documents that reflect our values and priorities through decisions on how to tax residents and businesses and spend those collective resources. These decisions impact what families have to spend on basic needs and invest in their future, define the size of the government and its role in the national economy, and affect the lives of all Americans. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a special screening and discussion to learn about and discuss why federal and state budget and tax work matters to national, state, and local philanthropy.
Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) is an annual opportunity for grantmakers and regional associations to meet with their federal lawmakers to personally discuss their work with members of Congress. The next Foundations on the Hill will take place virtually April 5-7. Through a mix of virtual meetings, digital advocacy opportunities, and social media engagement, Foundations on the Hill attendees and advocates will take sector legislative priorities directly to members of Congress, sharing the vision of a courageous philanthropic sector that catalyzes a just and equitable society where all can participate and prosper.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a conversation with Dr. William “Brit” Kirwan, member of the new state-level Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) and former chairman of the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (also known as the Kirwan Commission) that resulted in the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, which is now law. Dr. Kirwan will provide an update on the role of the AIB with the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, expectations for the Blueprint with respect to impacting K-12 education, how the Blueprint addresses equity in education, and implications for the work ahead. We will also explore ways to engage the philanthropic community in supporting the effort around the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. Dr. Kirwan will be joined by Rachel Hise, Executive Director of the Accountability and Implementation Board. Previously, Ms. Hise served as a long-time policy analyst for the Department of Legislative Services and was the lead staff person to the Kirwan Commission.
Picking up on work started in 2020 by Maryland Philanthropy Network, and funded by several of our members, consultant team Jonalyn Denlinger and Erika Seth Davies have been mapping Baltimore’s fiscal sponsorship landscape. Through conversations and interviews with funders, fiscal sponsors, and fiscally sponsored organizations in Baltimore, as well as national players in the fiscal sponsor ecosystem, the project prioritized and centered the needs of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)-led organizations and social entrepreneurs in assessing the effectiveness of the current nonprofit ecosystem and fiscal sponsor landscape. Join members of Maryland Philanthropy Network to learn about the findings of the landscape assessment; best practices and gaps in the system; and recommendations for short-term and long-term strategies for addressing the findings. We’ll take time to discuss about how funders might contribute to building an equitable fiscal sponsorship ecosystem.
Early childhood professionals play an essential role in communities, helping young children to develop, supporting working families, and enabling business operations. While affordable and high-quality childcare is critical, the early childcare sector is underfunded and dysfunctional. COVID-19 has exacerbated longstanding issues, exacting a devastating impact on childcare centers and the professionals that staff them. In this program, we will hear more about the issues impacting the early childhood workforce at the individual, employer, and systems levels. We will explore the role of employer collaboration with funders and other stakeholders to advance necessary changes in business practices and public policies to support these essential workers.