Wednesday, November 07, 2018 at 12:00 to 01:30 PM

Join us for an update on Baltimore City Schools facilities. Learn more about infrastructure problems that exist, the funding mechanisms that exacerbate the problem and the steps City Schools is taking to proactively address facility challenges and buildings with alternative financing mechanisms.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 12:00 to 01:30 PM

At this Focus on City Schools (FOCS), City Schools' Christopher R. Won,  Director of Research Services, and Michael Haugh, Program Evaluator Title 1,  will share more about how the Elementary and Secondary Education Act's new requirements and City Schools' procurement guidelines might affect your grantees.    

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Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 11:00 to 12:30 PM

The Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to host Dr. Sonja Santelises, Chief Executive Officer of the Baltimore City Public School System, for an annual conversation with the CEO of Baltimore City Schools on September 13, 2018.  

Wednesday, March 07, 2018 at 12:00 to 01:30 PM

In 2008, City Schools adopted a model for school budgeting called “fair student funding” to put as many dollars as possible directly in schools, whose communities know best what their students need. According to City Schools, a number of changes have occurred since then.

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